selected publications academic article Physicochemical properties of a time temperature indicator based on immobilization of Aspergillus oryzae α-amylase in polyacrylamide gel as affected by degree of cross-linking agent and salt content. Journal of Food Science. 68:2302-2308. 2003
principal investigator on Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions to improve behavioral determinants on food safety practice awarded by USDA-CSREES 2006 - 2009 Washing and Sanitizing, Value Added Techniques for Safer and Higher Quality in Fruits and Vegetables awarded by USDA-Hatch 2006 - 2008 Microbiological Risk Assessment and Comparison of Retail 90% Lean Ground Beef from Local Processors awarded by USDA-Hatch 2006 - 2007
co-principal investigator on Utilizacion de laminas comestibles para extender el largo de vida de estante de chinas mondadas para exportacion 2012 - 2014 Development of an Economically Feasible Food Processing Plant Model for Minimally Processed Agricultural Crops awarded by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2011 - 2012 Schafer Awards to support Agricultural Marketing Project 2008 - 2010 Food Safety and Food Defense Training for Spanish Speaking Plant Owners and Operators Domestic and International awarded by USDA-Hatch 2008 - 2009 Deoxygenation of citrus and tropical juices for increased quality retention storage awarded by USDA-T-Star 2006 - 2008 Quality Enhancement of Coffee Beans by Acid and Enzyme Treatment awarded by USDA-T-Star 2006 - 2008 Adding Value to Tropical and Sub-Tropical Botanicals: Identification and Evaluation of Bioactive Polyphenolics in Ilex, Guava, Mamaki, and Noni Leaf Teas awarded by USDA-T-Star 2005 - 2008 An Integrated Approach for the Quality Improvement of Guava Puree and Kava Beverage by a Non-thermal Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Pasteurization awarded by USDA-T-Star 2005 - 2008 Institute of Tropical Food Research and Development awarded by USDA-T-Star 2005 - 2008
education and training Ph.D. in Food Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 2004 M.S. in Food Science and Technology 1998 B.S. in Microbiology, University of Puerto Rico Humacao 1995