awards grant
- Adding Value to Tropical and Sub-Tropical Botanicals: Identification and Evaluation of Bioactive Polyphenolics in Ilex, Guava, Mamaki, and Noni Leaf Teas
- An Integrated Approach for the Quality Improvement of Guava Puree and Kava Beverage by a Non-thermal Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide Pasteurization
- Assistantship USDA
- Biological control of the invasive weed Hyparrhenia rufa
- Characterization and control of new and emerging viruses affecting cucurbits in Puerto Rico
- Cross protection and genetic approaches to control viruses in tropical pumpkin
- Deoxygenation of citrus and tropical juices for increased quality retention storage
- Diagnosis and characterization of viruses affecting Cucurbita spp
- Ecological significance of a aquatic invasive species (C. fluminea) on cyanobacteria and their associated toxins in tropical reservoirs
- Institute of Tropical Food Research and Development
- Integrated use of bioactive, green, and plastic mulches to suppress nutsedge in horticultural crops
- Modeling and controlling the spread of invasive species over heterogeneous landscapes: Melaleuca quinquenervia and Mimosa pellita in Puerto Rico
- Powdery mildews: Invasive and emerging disease in the tropics
- Quality Enhancement of Coffee Beans by Acid and Enzyme Treatment
- Screening for melonworm resistance in Tropical Pumpkin