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Appeldoorn, Richard S.
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selected publications
academic article
- Sediment Dynamics and their Potential Influence on Insular-Slope Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems. Continental Shelf Research . 129:1-9. 2016
- Fishes associated to mesophotic coral ecosystems in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Coral Reefs . 2014
- Measuring the effectiveness of a Caribbean oceanic island no-take zone with an asymmetrical BACI approach. Fish. Res.. 150:1-10. 2014
- Movements of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) along the U.S. East Coast as determined through mark and recapture data. Fish. Res.. 151:114-121. 2014
- Measuring relative density of spawning red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) from sound production: consistency within and among sites. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 65:284-286. 2013
- Passive acoustics record grouper spawning activity at multispecies aggregations. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 65:281-283. 2013
- Reef Structure Drives Parrotfish Species Composition on Shelf Edge Reefs in La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Continental Shelf Research . 54:14-23. 2013
- Seawater turbidity and fish communities on coral reefs of Puerto Rico. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 474:217-226. 2013
- Sounds associated with the reproductive behavior of the black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci). Mar. Biol.. 161:141-147. 2013
- The courtship associated sounds of Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Pisces: Epinephelidae) during spawning aggregations. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 65:302-304. 2013
- Sound production and reproductive behavior of yellowfin grouper, Mycteroperca venenosa (Serranidae) at a spawning aggregation. Copeia . 2012:135-144. 2012
- Sound production as an indicator of red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) density at a spawning aggregation. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 462:241-250. 2012
- Sound production associated with reproductive behavior of Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus at spawning aggregations. Endang. Species Res.. 19:29-38. 2012
- Use of small ROV systems to survey mesophotic ecosystems. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 64:9-14. 2012
- Can we stop the madness? Managing for resilience in coral reef fisheries. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:6-9. 2011
- Detection of Mona Island and Abrir La Sierra, Puerto Rico red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) 1 m off the bottom with hydroacoustic techniques. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:143-148. 2011
- From habitat mapping to ecological function: incorporating habitat into coral reef fisheries management. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:10-17. 2011
- Including ecological function into habitat networks using numerical modeling: assessing performance and cost. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:18-22. 2011
- Inferred growth of juvenile French grunts, Haemulon flavolineatum, and schoolmaster, Lutjanus apodus, in mangrove and seagrass habitats. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 87:339-350. 2011
- Managing habitat in coral reef ecosystems for fisheries: just what is essential? . Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:23-36. 2011
- Use of mixed-gas rebreathers to access fish assemblages in mesophotic coral ecosystems (mce) off La Parguera shelf-edge, Puerto Rico . Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:130-133. 2011
- Use of passive acoustics to map grouper spawning aggregations, with emphasis on red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, off western Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 63:149-152. 2011
- Geomorphology and benthic cover of mesophotic coral ecosystems of the upper insular slope of southwest Puerto Rico . Coral Reefs . 29:347-360. 2010
- Geomorphology and mesophotic coral ecosystems of the upper insular slope of southwest Puerto Rico. Coral Reefs . 29:347-360. 2010
- Evaluation of seasonal closures of red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, spawning aggregations to fishing off the west coast of Puerto Rico using fishery-dependent and independent time series data. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 60:566-572. 2008
- Improving coral reef habitat mapping of the Puerto Rico insular shelf using side scan sonar. Marine Geodesy. 31:49-73. 2008
- In-situ observations of Antillean fish trap contents in southwest Puerto Rico: Relating catch to habitat and damage potential. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 60:447-453. 2008
- Length-based assessment of sustainability benchmarks for coral reef fishes in Puerto Rico. Environ. Cons.. 35:221-231. 2008
- Mapping ontogenetic habitat shifts of coral reef fish at Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 60:305-310. 2008
- Sixty years of fisheries management in the Gulf and Caribbean: A retrospective on needs, attitudes and role of the GCFI. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 60:30-38. 2008
- Spatial distribution of marine fishes along a cross-shelf gradient containing a continuum of mangrove-seagrass-coral reefs off Southwestern Puerto Rico. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci.. 76:378-394. 2008
- The effects of minimum map unit in coral reefs maps generated from high resolution side scan sonar mosaics. Coral Reefs . 27:297-310. 2008
- Transforming reef fisheries management: application of an ecosystem-based approach in the USA Caribbean. Environ. Cons.. 35:232-241. 2008
- Cross-shelf habitat-fish associations in La Parguera, Puerto Rico: factors affecting essential fish habitat and management applications. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 58:21-28. 2007
- Networking among scientists and managers improves benthic habitat knowledge at six remote Caribbean MPAs. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 59:499-506. 2007
- Observations from a small grouper spawning aggregation at Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 59:489-492. 2007
- Reef fish spawning aggregations of the Puerto Rican shelf. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 47:467-474. 2007
- Variations in juvenile fish density along the mangrove-seagrass-coral reef continuum in SW Puerto Rico. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.. 348:139-148. 2007
- Managing Jamaicas queen conch resources. Ocean Coast. Manage. . 49:332-341. 2006
- Utilization of GIS mapping in the measurement of the spatial distribution of queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 57:31-48. 2006
- Distribution and relative abundance of humpback whales off western Puerto Rico during 1995-1997. Caribb. J. Sci. . 41:101-107. 2005
- Does trap fishing impact coral reef ecosystems?. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 56:511-520. 2005
- Fish habitat utilization in a Puerto Rico coral reef Ecosystem. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 56:467-486. 2005
- Fisheries management policy in Puerto Rico: A progress report. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 47:111-122. 2005
- Edad y crrecimiento de la mojarra rayada, Eugerres plumieri (Cuvier) in la Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 55:337-347. 2004
- Identification of small scale coral reef habitats from high resolution side scan sonar imagery . Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 55:777-790. 2004
- Plasticity in life-history traits of groupers: significance for fisheries management plans . Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 40:123-141. 2004
- Processes affecting the emigration of reef fishes from reserve areas: ontogenetic migrations and habitat requirements of haemulid fishes . Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 48:257-258. 2004
- The use of fish traps in Puerto Rico: current practice, long-term changes, and fishersâ perceptions. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 55:744-756. 2004
- A Caribbean-wide survey of no-take marine reserves: spatial coverage and attributes of effectiveness. Gulf Caribb. Res. . 14:139-144. 2003
- Designing Effective Marine Protected Areas in Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, Colombia, based on Biological and Sociological Information. Cons. Biol.. 17:1769-1784. 2003
- Habitat connectivity on the insular platform of Old Providence-Santa Catalina, Colombia: mechanisms, limits and ecological consequences relevant to marine reserve design. Gulf Caribb. Res. . 14:61-77. 2003
- Quantifying habitat utilization patterns of reef fishes along a cross-shelf gradient in southwestern Puerto Rico. Gulf Caribb. Res. . 14:9-27. 2003
- Scaling our understanding of habitat selections by coral reef fishery species. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 54:566-579. 2003
- The effects of trap fishing in coralline habitats: what do we know? How do we learn more?. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 54:1-12. 2003
- Benthic mapping from fish and habitat transect data using GIS technology. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 52:674-685. 2001
- Diferenciacion sexual e inicio de la madurez en la chachicata blanca, Haemulon plumieri (Pices: Haemulidae), en La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 52:135-144. 2001
- Do No Harm Versus Stop the Bleeding in the Establishment of Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 52:667-673. 2001
- Integrating fish fauna and habitat assessments: a fundamental step in developing fishery reserve design criteria. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 52:654-666. 2001
- Mapping benthic habitats using side scan sonar. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 52:402-414. 2001
- Age and growth of dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus, off Puerto Rico. U.S. Fish. Bull.. 98:345-352. 2000
- Marine fisheries reserves versus marine parks: unity disguised as conflict. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 51:471-474. 2000
- The queen conch fishery on Pedro Bank, Jamaica: discovery, development, management.. Ocean Coast. Manage. . 42:1069-1081. 1999
- Ecological Goals for Marine Fishery Reserve Design: Workshop Summary. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 50:294-303. 1998
- In pursuit of design criteria for marine fishery reserves. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 50:372-384. 1998
- Sea Surface temperatures and coral reef bleaching off La Parguera, Puerto Rico (northeastern Caribbean Sea). Coral Reefs . 17:377-382. 1998
- Sea surface temperatures and coral reef bleaching off La Parguera, Puerto Rico (northeastern Caribbean Sea) . Coral Reefs . 17:377-382. 1998
- Spatial variations in stock abundance of queen conch, Strombus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae), in the west and east coast of Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 50:32-48. 1998
- Age determination of larval strombid gastropods by means of statolith growth-increment counts. U.S. Fish. Bull.. 95:857-862. 1997
- Dispersal rates of commercially important coral reef fishes: what do tagging studies tell us about potential emigration from marine fisheries reserves.. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Inst.. 49:54-63. 1997
- Catching efficiency and selectivity of gillnets and trammel nets in coral reefs from southwestern Puerto Rico. Fish. Res.. 22:175-196. 1995
- Observations and idealized models of dispersion on the southwestern Puerto Rican insular shelf. Mathl. Comput. Modelling. 21:39-63. 1995
- Egg dispersal in a Caribbean coral reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum. I. Dispersal over the reef platform.. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 54:256-270. 1994
- Egg dispersal in a Caribbean coral reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum. II. Dispersal off the reef platform.. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 54:271-280. 1994
- Reproducibility of estimates of effective area fished by Antillean fish traps in coral reef environments. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 43:346-354. 1994
- Development of a combined model of growth in weight for juvenile and adult queen conch, Strombus gigas, and its application to the population off La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 42:13-21. 1992
- Estimation of growth, mortality and yield per recruit for Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus) in Puerto Rico. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 50:282-291. 1992
- Preliminary calculations of sustainable yield for queen conch (Strombus gigas) in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 41:95-105. 1992
- History and recent status of the Puerto Rican conch fishery. . Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 40:267-282. 1991
- Studies of fish traps as stock assessment devices on a shallow reef in south western Puerto Rico. Fish. Res.. 10:177-197. 1991
- Growth of juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas L., off La Parguera, Puerto Rico. J. Shellfish Res.. 9:59-62. 1990
- Age determination, growth, mortality, and age of first reproduction in adult queen conch, Strombus gigas, off Puerto Rico. Fish. Res.. 6:363-378. 1988
- Fishing pressure and reproductive potential in strombid conchs: Is there a critical stock density for reproduction?. Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle. 48:275-288. 1988
- Ontogenetic changes in natural mortality rate of queen conch, Strombus gigas (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda). Bull. Mar. Sci.. 42:159-165. 1988
- Pelagic spawning and egg transport in coral-reef fishes: a skeptical overview. Env. Biol. Fish. . 22:3-14. 1988
- Assessment of mortality in an offshore population of queen conch, Strombus gigas L., in southwest Puerto Rico. U.S. Fish. Bull.. 85:797-804. 1987
- Modification of a seasonally oscillating growth function for use with mark-recapture data. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer.. 43:194-198. 1987
- Practical considerations in the assessment of queen conch fisheries and population dynamics. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 38:314-331. 1987
- Growth, mortality, and dispersion in juvenile laboratory reared conchs, Strombus gigas and S. costatus, released at an offshore site. Bull. Mar. Sci.. 37:785-793. 1985
- Quantification of the density-growth relationship in hatchery-reared juvenile conchs (Strombus gigas Linne and S. costatus Gmelin). J. Shellfish Res.. 4:63-66. 1984
- Sex ratio in the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria. Nautilus . 98:61-63. 1984
- The effect of size on mortality of small juvenile conchs (Strombus gigas Linné and S. costatus Gmelin). J. Shellfish Res.. 4:37-43. 1984
- Field release of cultured queen conchs in Puerto Rico: implications for stock restoration. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 35:89-98. 1983
- Variation in the growth rate of Mya arenaria and its relationship to the environment as analyzed through principal components analysis and the w parameter of the von Bertalanffy equation.. U.S. Fish. Bull.. 81:75-84. 1983
- Response of soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria) growth to onset and abatement of pollution.. J. Shellfish Res.. 1:41-49. 1981
- Model and Method in Reef Fishery Assessment. Ed. 20. Ed. Polunin, Nicholas V. C. . Chapman and Hall. 1996
- Puerto Rico and Hispaniola In: Marine fishery resources of the Antilles. Ed. 326. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 1993
- Shallow Water Reef Fish Stock Assessment for the U.S. Caribbean.. NOAA Technical Memorandum. 1992
- Field and laboratory studies to define the occurrence of neoplasia in the soft shell clam, Mya arenaria. American Petroleum Institute Publication. 1984
- Exploring the mesophotic zone: Diving operations and scientific highlights of three research cruises across Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands. Proceedings of the 2013 AAUS/ESDP Curacao Joint International Scientific Diving Symposium. Ed. Lang, M. A. . American Academy of Underwater Sciences, Curacao. 297-312. 2013
- The vision for EBM of Coral Reef Ecosystems in the Wider Caribbean. Towards Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Wider Caribbean. Ed. Fanning, Lucia . Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 323-333. 2011
- Biology and Ecology of Puerto Rico Coral Reefs. Coral Reefs of the USA. Ed. Riegl, Bernhard. Springer Publishing. 375-406. 2008
- The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Puerto Rico. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008. Ed. Waddell, J. . Silver Spring, MD.: NOAA Technical Memorandum. 75-116. 2008
- The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.. The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2005. Ed. Waddell, J. . Silver Spring, MD.: NOAA Technical Memorandum. 2005
- The validity of length-based methods for estimating growth and mortality of groupers, as illustrated by a comparative assessment of the creole fish, Paranthias furcifer (Valenciennes) (Pisces, Serranidae). In: Biology, fisheries and culture of tropical groupers and snappers.. Biology, Fisheries, and Culture of Tropical Groupers and Snappers. Ed. Arreguin Sanches, Francisco. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 163-172. 1996
conference paper
- Exploring the mesophotic zone: Diving operations and scientific highlights of three research cruises (2010-2012) across Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands. Proceedings of the AAUS Symposium Proceedings, Curacao. 2013
- Exploring the mesophotic zone: Diving operations and scientific highlights of three research cruises across Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands . Proceedings of the 2013 AAUS/AEDP Curacao Joint International Scientific Diving Symposium. 297-312. 2013
- EBM towards coral reef conservation by incorporating spawning aggregations of threatened groupers in an MPA (Abstract). International Marine Conservation Congress . 2009
- Incorporating ecological function into marine reserve network design in coral reef ecosystems (Abstract). International Marine Conservation Congress . 2009
- Seasonal closures of spawning aggregation sites does not guarantee spawning stock recovery: an assessment of red hind MPAs in Puerto Rico (Abstract). International Marine Conservation Congress . 2009
- Use of technical diving to study deep reef environments in Puerto Rico . Proc American Academy of Underwater Sciences 28th Scientific Symposium . 58-65. 2009
- Mechanisms of habitat connectivity: factors affecting fish ontogenetic migration from backreef nursery areas (Abstract). American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Symposium. 2006
- Fish movements and habitat connectivity within coral reef ecosystems: variations in process and function at two spatio-temporal scales (Abstract). Proc. of 10th Coral Reef Symposium, Japan. 2004
- Modeling egg and early larval dispersal in the nearshore waters of southwestern Puerto Rico (Abstract). Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Meeting. 2001
- Comparative egg dispersal from inshore and shelf-edge sites in a Caribbean coral reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum (Abstract). Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium. 2000
- Lunar banding in Montastrea faveolata (Abstract). Transactions American Geophysical Union. 2000
- The effect of fish traps on benthic habitats off La Parguera, Puerto Rico (Abstract). Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium. 2000
- Marine protected areas and reef fish movements: the role of habitat in controlling ontogenetic migration. Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp. . 1917-1922. 1997
- Water flow and spawning time in a coral reef fish.. Proc. 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp. . 1121- 1126. 1997
- Covariation in life-history parameters of soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, along a latitudinal gradient. ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Marine Science Symposia . 19-25. 1995
- Deepwater assessment techniques for invertebrate resources. NOAA Tech. Mem.. 125-139. 1995
- Physical oceanographic needs of fisheries management in the Intra-Americas Sea (Abstract). Chapman Conference on the circulation of the Intra-America Sea . 1995
- Potential depensatory mechanisms operating on reproductive output in gonochoristic mollusks, with particular reference to strombid gastropods. CES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Marine Science Symposia. 13-18. 1995
- Distribution of Strombus larvae (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda in the Eastern Caribbean (Abstract). Larval Ecology Meetings . 1993
- Interspecific relationships between growth parameters, with application to haemulid fishes. 7th International Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 2. University of Guam Press, UOG Station, Guam.. 899-904. 1993
- Population dynamics, reproductive ecology, and fishery potential of the queen conch, Strombus gigas. American Fisheries Society Symposium . 1990
- Reproducible estimates of effective area fished by Antillean fish traps in coral reef environments (Abstract). American Fisheries Society Symposium . 1990
- An effective method of dye release for small scale current tracking studies (Abstract). Association of island marine laboratories of the caribbean . 1989
- Phenotypic Responses and Individuality in Aquatic Ectotherms. J.C. Aldrich (ed.).. 149-158. 1989
- Changes in the rate of natural mortality over the life history of the queen conch, Strombus gigas (Abstract). National Shellfisheries Association. 1985
- Preliminary investigations of the patterns and periodicity of internal shell bands in the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica (Abstract). New England Estuarine Research Society . 1980
- Viral etiology of a transmissible hematopoietic type of molluscan neoplasm (Abstract). American Society for Microbiology News. 1980
- A bioassay system to determine the course of neoplasia in the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria (Abstract). American Society for Testing and Materials . 1979
- The dynamics of neoplasia and its effects on the growth and mortality of Mya arenaria as determined in a three-month transplant experiment (Abstract). Society for Invertebrate Pathology . 1978
conference poster
- Metagenomic analysis of whole gut contents of the invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Puerto Rico . Joint Genome Instituteâs Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics Workshop, Walnut Creek, California . 2013
- Relationship between Reef Fish Communities, Water and Habitat Quality on Coral Reefs. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, Canada. 2006
- A critical review of fisheries and fisheries management policy in Puerto Rico . Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 349-360. 1992
- Review of shared demersal resources of Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles region. FAO Fish. Rept.. 36-106. 1987
editor of
academic article
- Caribbean Marine Protected Areas: Practical approaches to achieve economic and conservation goals
- Queen conch biology, fisheries, and mariculture. Fundacion Cientifica Los Roques, Caracas.
book section
- Preliminary observations on the distribution of Strombus larvae in the Eastern Caribbean
- Queen conch management and research: status, needs and priorities
- Queen conch management in the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Spatial and temporal variations in stock abundance of queen conch, Strombus gigas, in the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Spatial variability in the morphology of queen conch and its implications for management regulations.
- Laboratory Cultures of Larvae of Strombus Gigas Linne, in the Dos Mosquises Marine Station, Los Roques National Park, Venezuela. Queen Conch Biology, Fisheries and Mariculture . Los Roques Scientific Foundation. 275-294. 1994
- Large-Scale Distribution of Queen Conch Nursery Habitats: Implications for Stock Enhancement. Queen Conch Biology, Fisheries and Mariculture . Caracas, Venezuela: Los Roques Scientific Foundation. 168-189. 1994
invited talk
- Thriving Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean: Form, function, and management implications, Speaker, NOAA Headquarters, Silver Spring, Md 2012
- Applying an Ecosystem-based Management to Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) Fisheries in the Caribbean, Speaker, Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in the Caribbean, Barbados 2008
- Management beyond quotas: lessons from around the Caribbean. Regional workshop for the Improvement of the Queen Conch Collaborative Management and Enforcement in the Southwest Caribbean, Speaker, San Andres, Colombia 2008
- Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies Puerto Rico , Speaker, NOAA-EPA Caribbean â Atlantic regional workshop on coral reefs and land-based pollution. San Juan, PR 2004
- MPAs at Local Scales: Purpose, Process and Effectiveness, Speaker, White Water to Blue Water (US State Dept.). Miami Florida 2004
- Juvenile Adult Habitat Shifts in Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystems, Speaker, Estuarine Research Federation. Seattle, WA 2003
- Ontogenetic changes in habitat use in the white grunt: sudden shifts over gradual development, Speaker, Department of Fishery, Animal and Veterinary Science. University of Rhode Island 2001
- Ontogenetic changes in habitat use in the white grunt: sudden shifts over gradual development, Speaker, Department of Fishery, Animal and Veterinary Science. University of Rhode Island 2000
- Biology of the queen conch and its impact on stock assessment, Speaker, International Queen Conch Stock Assessment Workshop. Belize City, Belize 1999
- Data collection options for monitoring of management measures, or, how to decide if your conch population is healthy, Speaker, International Queen Conch Working Group. San Jose, Costa Rica 1997
- Marine protected areas and reef fish movements: the role of habitat in controlling ontogenetic migration, Speaker, 8th Int. Coral Reef Symp. Panama City, Panama 1996
- Status of queen conch fishery in the Caribbean Sea, Speaker, International Queen Conch Conference. San Juan, PR 1996
- Current research in Puerto Rico on Marine Fisheries Reserves., Speaker, Marine Reserve Workshop, Center for Marine Conservation & Caribbean Marine Research Center. Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. 1995
- Ecological and oceanographic factors affecting the local and geographic distribution of the queen conch, Strombus gigas., Speaker, Workshop of Fishery Oceanography of Highly Migratory and Straddling Species, Miami, Florida 1995
- Ecological and oceanographic factors affecting the local and geographic distribution of the queen conch, Strombus gigas., Speaker, Workshop of Fishery Oceanography of Highly Migratory and Straddling Species, Miami, Florida 1995
- New realities and paradigms in tropical fisheries management, Speaker, 23rd Pacem in Maribus Conference. Puntarenas, Costa Rica 1995
- Processes affecting ontogenetic migration in reef fishes: the role of habitat distribution., Speaker, Workshop on Marine Fisheries Reserves as Management Tools. La Parguera, PR 1995
- Spawning patterns in a coral reef fish. The fate of eggs and hypotheses on different spatial and temporal scales., Speaker, Universidad Central de Caracas, Venezuela 1994
- Egg dispersal in a Caribbean coral reef fish, Thalassoma bifasciatum. II. Dispersal off the reef platform. , Speaker, Symposium on recruitment in coral reef fishes. Perth, Australia 1992
- The fisheries for queen conch, mangrove oyster and other shelled molluscs of Puerto Rico., Speaker, Symposium on the Shellfisheries of North America and Europe. Orlando, Florida 1992
- Application of molluscan life-history studies. Inaugural Keynote Address., Speaker, First Latin-American Malacological Congress. Caracas, Venezuela 1991
- Review of shared demersal resources of Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles region. FAO Expert Consultation on Shared Stocks in the Lesser Antilles, Speaker 1985
other research activities
- Study of fish egg dispersion from spawning sites Co-PI 1989 -
- Assess Lionfish control and impacts Co-PI 2012 - 2014
- Assess Nassau grouper spawning aggregation Co-PI 2012 - 2014
- Assess Conch Morphometrics for Size Limit Enforcement PI 2013
- Assess Dolphinfish Movements and Stock Structure PI 2013
- Caribbean Coral Reef Institute Phase 4 Co-PI 2009 - 2013
- Support of shiptime for mesophotic cruise PI 2011 - 2012
- Caribbean Coral Reef Institute Phase 3 Co-PI 2007 - 2009
- Deep Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies Co-PI 2006 - 2009
- Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies Co-PI 2002 - 2009
- Cellular Diagnostics and Coral Diseases Co-PI 2006 - 2008
- Establish a Caribbean Coral Reef Institute Co-PI 2005 - 2008
- Identification of marine conservation targets in Puerto Rico PI 2004 - 2008
- Set Up Community based Management in Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua Co-PI 2006
- Coral reef research in Puerto Rico Co-PI 2004 - 2006
- Increasing training and technique exchange for siting MPAs in remote coral reef environments in the Caribbean Co-PI 2005
- Sponsor symposium and publication: Re inventing Fishers Management in the US Caribbean PI 2005
- Establish a Caribbean Coral Reef Institute Co-PI 2004 - 2005
- Queen conch research Co-PI 1983 - 2005
- Document reef fish spawning aggregations PI 2003
- Study EFH and habitat PI 2000 - 2003
- Study design criteria for marine reserves Co-PI 1998 - 2000
- Study movement of coral reef fishes Co-PI 1998 - 2000
- Assess the potential damage of fish traps on coral reefs PI 1999
- Conduct habitat mapping in coral reef systems using sidescan sonar Co-PI 1999
- Study ontogenetic migration of grunts Co-PI 1996 - 1998
- Marine Fishery Reserve Initiative (Enhancement) Co-PI 1995 - 1997
- Conduct an Underwater Survey of the Queen Conch Resource of Puerto Rico PI 1995
- Study ontogenetic migration of grunts Co-PI 1994
- Study larval distribution and reproductive potential of queen conch PI 1993
- Testing the effect of genetic heterozygosity on reproductive output of queen conch PI 1993
- Study the effects of mesh size on trap catch in reef fishes PI 1992
- Ageing of strombid larvae PI 1991
- Conch fishery management Co-PI 1990
- Effects of net design & fishing method on selectivity Co-PI 1990
- Study movement and dispersal of fish eggs away from coral reefs (Extention) Co-PI 1990
- Identification of strombid larvae PI 1989
- Study of gillnet selectivity Co-PI 1989
- Quantify fish-trap catches PI 1988
- Support field studies of conch stock structure PI 1988
- Study movement and dispersal of fish eggs away from coral reefs Co-PI 1986 - 1988
- Studies on conch stock structure PI 1987
- Support analyses of population and fisheries dynamics PI 1987
- Model lumped-species unit stocks PI 1985 - 1987
- 21 days of submersible support for assessing the deepwater resources of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Co-PI 1985
- Study the relationship between stress and hermaphroditism in soft-shell clams PI 1985
- Support and data analysis of submersible project PI 1985
- Study the energetic ecology of strombid conchs PI 1984
- Exploratory deep-sea shrimp trapping PI 1983
- Preliminary analysis of queen conch shell microstructure PI 1982 - 1983
reviewer of
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences (Academic Article)
- Caribbean Journal of Science (Academic Article)
- Environmental Biology of Fishes (Academic Article)
- Environmental Conservation Fisheries (Academic Article)
- International Foundation for Science (Research Proposal)
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Journal)
- Journal of Shellfish Research (Academic Article)
- Marine Ecology Progress Series (Academic Article)
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Research Proposal)
- National Geographic Society (Research Proposal)
- National Marine Fisheries Service (Research Proposal)
- National Undersea Research Program (Research Proposal)
- PLoSONE (Academic Article)
- Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (Academic Article)
- Sea Grant (Research Proposal)
- Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (Academic Article)
- U.S. Mexico Foundation (Research Proposal)
professional service activities
- University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Executive Director, Caribbean Coral Reef Institute 2004 -
- missing activity Professor 1981 -
- University of Rhode Island Marine Research Associate 1981 -
- University of Rhode Island Instructor 1980 -
- University of Rhode Island Graduate Research Assistant 1975 - 1980
- Rutgers University, NJ Summer Research Assistant 1973 - 1974
education and training
- Ph.D., University of Rhode Island , Graduate School of Oceanography 1980
- B.Sc., Rutgers University, NJ 1974
awards and honors
- Career Service by the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, conferred by Caribbean Fishery Management Council, 2000
- Productivity Award, conferred by Bristol Myers Squibb, 2000
- Scholarly Productivity Award , conferred by Puerto Rico Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (PR-EPSCoR), 1988 - 2001
- Merit Pay Award by UPRM, conferred by University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, 1994 - 1995
full name
- Richard S. Appeldoorn