Event RDF
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- Directed motion of catalytically-driven colloidal particles responsive to magnetic fields using Brownian dynamics simulation Invited Talk
- Directed motion of colloidal particles via chemical reactions: osmotic propulsion Invited Talk
- Directed motion of colloidal particles via chemical reactions: osmotic propulsion Invited Talk
- Director of ADS-PR Conference
- Disability and Deafnesss from the Perspective of Semantics and Language Presentation
- Disasters from Below: A Victims' Centered Approach to Sociology of Disasters Presentation
- Disciplina Escolar Presentation
- Discos duros virtuales y la integracion de estos al blog. Invited Talk
- Discovering Elit for Children Presentation
- Discovering IE Through Gaming Workshop
- Discrete models in epidemiology Presentation
- Diseno de Estructuras Resistentes a Vientos Huracanados. Presentation
- Diseño de Experimentos Invited Talk
- Diseno de Experimentos en la Industria Presentation
- Diseño de Experimentos: Variaciones Sobre un Mismo Tema Invited Talk
- Diseño Experimental Invited Talk
- Diseno y avaluo de los complementos curriculares para Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Sociales de K-12mo grado creados para la campana educativa del CIMP Presentation
- Diseno y Redaccion de Reactivos y Pruebas Alineadas a los niveles de profundidad de Norman Webb. Conferencia dirigida a Estudiantes de Preparacion de Maestros, UPRM. Presentation
- Diseno y redaccion de reactivos y pruebas alineados a los Niveles de Profundidad de Pensamiento de Norman Webb. Presentation
- Distinct mitochondrial lineages in two Caribbean species with vastly different dispersal potential Presentation
- Distributed Intellingent Simulation and Decision Support System for Battlefield Management Presentation
- Distribution Center Optimization through Mathematical models and Simulation Presentation
- Diversity of Actinobacteria associated with the yeast-agriculture ant Cyphomyrmex minutus exoskeleton and cultivar Presentation
- Diversity of bacteria associated with the hindgut of Uca rapax fiddler crab in Puerto Rico: their role and ability to degrade cellulose Presentation
- Diversity of benthic ostracods from Caribbean mesophotic reefs Invited Talk
- Diversity of benthic ostracods from Caribbean Mesophotic Reefs Presentation
- DMAGIC: A High-level Partitioning Methodology for Discrete Signal Transforms onto Distributed Hardware Architectures Workshop
- DNA adduct production in human skin fibroblasts after exposure to environmental levels of UVA and UVB in Puerto Rico Presentation
- DNA Binding Studies of Platinum(II) Cationic Complexes [Abstract] Presentation
- DNA Binding Studies of Pt(II) Complexes with 1,2-dimethylbenzimidazole and 2,5-dimethylbenzoxazole [Abstract] Presentation