Academic Article
Satellite Vegetation as an Indicator of Climate Variability over Southern Africa
Satsuma mandarin yield in response to selected biostimulants in a tropical lowland region
SBE Type Cobalt Aluminophosphate Nanoporous Materials: Degradation of the Structure-Directing Agent
SBE Type Cobalt-Aluminophosphates (Co/Al 1): Synthesis Aging Effect, Detemplation Mechanism from Coupled TGA/FTIR Analyses and Structural Stability after Detemplation
SBE-Type Metal-Substituted Aluminophosphates: Detemplation and Coordination Chemistry
SBN Thin Film Growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Properties
Scalable Parallel Genetic Algorithms
Scales of spatial variation in tropical benthic assemblages and their ecological relevance: epibionts on Caribbean mangrove roots as a model system
Scaling our understanding of habitat selections by coral reef fishery species
Scattering of surface plasmon-polaritons and light by metallic nanoparticles
Scattering of Surface Plasmon-Polaritons and Volume Waves by Thin Gold Films
Science on Wheels: A Coherent Link Between Educational Cultures
Screening for melonworm resistance in squash and pumpkins
Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea) from marine shallow-water environments in Venezuela: new records and an updated inventory
Sea Surface temperatures and coral reef bleaching off La Parguera, Puerto Rico (northeastern Caribbean Sea)
Sea surface temperatures and coral reef bleaching off La Parguera, Puerto Rico (northeastern Caribbean Sea)
Sea-level and reef accretion history of Marine Isotope Stage 7 and late Stage 5 based on age and facies of submerged late Pleistocene reefs, Oahu, Hawaii
Search for a pentaquark decaying to Ξ-π-
Seaside Operations in Container Terminals: Literature Overview, Trends, and Research Directions
Seasonal abundance of Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae) from citrus in Puerto Rico
Seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and salinity during the Little Ice Age in the Caribbean Sea deduced from Mg/Ca and O 18/O 16 ratios in corals
Seasonal changes in structure of an Alaskan intertidal meiofauna assemblage
Seasonal Cycle of Convective Spells over Southern Africa during Austral Summer
Seawater turbidity and fish communities on coral reefs of Puerto Rico
SeaWiFS Helps Assess Hurricane Impact in the Caribbean Sea
Sediment Dynamics and their Potential Influence on Insular-Slope Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems
Seed-borne endophytic and pathogenic bacteria isolated from onion in Puerto Rico
Segundo Ruiz Belvis: 1859-1867
Segundo Ruiz Belvis: Anos Cruciales en su Formacion Ideologica
Seguridad alimentaria