Event RDF
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- Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis in Manufacturing Invited Talk
- Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis in Manufacturing [Abstract] Presentation
- Applications of Next Generation Sequencing in Environmental and Marine Sciences Workshop Presentation
- Applications of Synthetic Earthquake Accelerograms in Ground Response Analysis Presentation
- Applications of the Voltera Series to the Analysis of Nonlinear Layered Soil Deposits Invited Talk
- Applications of the Wavelet Transform in Earthquake Engineering [Conference Proceeding] Presentation
- Applications of the Wavelet Transform in Structural Engineering Presentation
- Applications of the Wavelet Transform in the Generation of Artificial Earthquakes and Analysis of Earthquake Records Presentation
- Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia Conference
- Applying an Ecosystem-based Management to Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) Fisheries in the Caribbean Invited Talk
- Applying Multicriteria Optimization in Fa-nS Concrete Mix at Early Age [Abstract] Presentation
- Appropriate Technology: From Idea to Experiment to Sustainable Practice Conference
- Appropriation and Resistance in the English Literacy Practices of Puerto Rican Farmers Presentation
- Approximation of Material Behavior in Polymer Processing [Abstract] Presentation
- Aprendizaje Activo Workshop
- Aprendizaje Activo como Estrategia Pedagogica en la Ensenanza de las Ciencias Politicas Presentation
- Aprendizaje activo en la sala de clases. Taller para la Certificacion de Maestro Cooperador. Presentation
- Aproximacion a la Obra Historiografica de Fernando Pico Presentation
- Aproximacion al 1898 Presentation
- Apuntes en Torno a Catolicismo y Politica... de Samuel Silva Gotay Presentation
- Apuntes Sobre el Tema de los Obreros en Arenales Presentation
- Apuntes Sobre la Historia de Hormigueros Presentation
- Aqui en la lucha: Testimonios de la puertorriquena en la diasporas Presentation
- Architectural Model and Resource Estimation for Distributed Hardware Implementation of Discrete Signal Transforms Presentation
- Are Engineers Also System Thinkers? Bringing Up Holistic and Systematic Decision-Making in Engineering through a Systems-Centered Educational Framework Presentation
- Are fires and hurricanes catastrophes for tropical dry forests of Puerto Rico? Invited Talk
- Are the Eccrinales and other Trichomycetes real fungi? Presentation
- Are we teaching our students to think systemically? Systems thinking in engineering education Presentation
- Are You Grounded? Presentation
- Argentinas Policy Towards the United States During the Democratic Period Presentation