Congress of Teachers of Mathematics and Science MSP
Congress of Teachers of Mathematics and Science â MSP
Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC99)
Considerations about Human and Artificial Intelligence: Language, Thought and Computers?
Control de Infecciones: HIV/SIDA, Tuberculosis y Hepatitis. UPR/RCM
Convención Cubana de Ciencias de la Tierra
Convención Anual 2016 de la Asociación de Educación Privada de PR
Convencion Semianual Sociedad de Microbiologos de Puerto Rico, UPR-Humacao, PR
Coordination Chemistry Conference, Cancun, Mexico
Coral Health and Disease Consortium, Charleston South Carolina
Cornell Theory Center
COSTAS, Foro: âEl futuro de los arrecifes de coral en Puerto Rico"
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Course Objective and Classroom Assessment UPR Mayaguez.
COV6 Ash Fall Impacts Working Group Workshop
COV7 VHub Workshop (W4)
CPES Power Electronics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison
CPES Seminar, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Creacion y manejo de cuestionarios en linea con ININWEB Quiestionnaire System. UPRM.
Creating Safe Border Spaces to Foster English Language Learning
Crustacean Society Summer Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
CSIC, Granada Spain
Cuarto Congreso de Investigacion y Educacion
Cuarto Congreso Internacional Escritura, Individuo y Sociedad
Cuarto Simposio de Investigacion de Fondos Semilla del Colegio de Artes y Ciencias, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Cultural Center Mayaguez
CURENet meeting, HHMI Headquarters, Chevy Chase, MD
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engeneering Symposium
Curriculum Innovation Center, Puerto Rico Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF)
Daphne Meeting