Chapter RDF
pages:- Digital Divagations in a Hyperreal Camelot: Antoine Fuqua's King Arthur
- Diversidad y Abundancia de Corales, Octocorales y Esponjas en el Parque Nacional Jaragua,Republica Dominicana
- Dominican Republic: A History of 19th- and 20th-Century Prose and Poetry
- Drug Stability
- Drug Stability
- Educating the Hispanic-American Exceptional Learner
- Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletions and Increased Levels of Ultraviolet Radiation on Subantartic Forests and Western Patagonian Steppe: A Research Project
- El Dia
- El Dolar es Mas Serio: La Moneda y la Modernidad Anhelada en "Cartas Abiertas para el Pueblo de Puerto Rico" de Rafael Lopez Landron
- El Estudio de la Depresion: Acercamiento Multidisciplinario
- El Movimiento Independentista en Puerto Rico: Las Primeras Dos Decadas del Siglo XX
- El Proyecto Independentista de Antonio Valero de Bernabe
- Enabling Periodic Monitoring Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: Design and Analysis of an Efficient MAC Protocol
- Espiritismo as a Therapy for the Soul
- Excerpt from work-in-progress: Kites/Chiringas: A Memoir
- Exploring the mesophotic zone: Diving operations and scientific highlights of three research cruises across Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands
- Fossil Echinodermata from Puerto Rico
- Freshwater Trichomycetes and their arthropod hosts
- Fuzzy Logic Applications in Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
- Geology of Hawaii Reefs
- Global Clinics in Biotechnology: A Global Partnership between Industry and Academia
- Gobierno y Estructura del Gobierno de Puerto Rico
- Hacia Una Interpretacion Psico-Antropologica del Espiritismo Puertorriqueno
- Halofolliculina ciliate infections on corals
- Herbs and leaf crops: Production of cilantro, broadleaf cilantro and vegetable amaranth
- Historical Contentions: The Environmental Movement in the Coastal Zone in Puerto Rico.
- Indo-Pacific Band Diseases of Corals
- Intelligent Power Routers: Distributed Coordination for Electric Energy Processing Networks
- Interior: Eros, creación poética e intentos vanguardistas en la poesía de Amelia Ceide
- La Evolucion de la Vida. Comentario