Grant RDF
pages:- Polymer Confinement of Protein Crystals:an InnovativeApproach to Controlled Drug Release
- Polymeric Fibers with Magnetic and Photocatalytic Nanodomains
- Polyphosphazenes as Physical Supports for Controlled Drug Delivery
- Polyphosphazenes as Physical Supports for Controlled Drug Release
- Population genetics of Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata
- Post Impact Survivability of Sandwich Composite Ship Hulls Subject to Wave Slamming
- Potentiometric Measurement in Mixed Solvent
- Powdery mildews: Invasive and emerging disease in the tropics
- Practices for the control of Black Sigatoka in Puerto Rico
- Preliminary analysis of queen conch shell microstructure
- Preliminary evaluation of carbon pools and distribution in a Vertisol under mixed land-use
- Preparing Students For Career Paths With The USDA Forest Service By Linking Student Success With Experiential Learning Opportunities
- Process and Yield Improvement at Carborundum through SPC, DOE, and Education
- Process Assessment and Improvement and Training in Statistics Aided Manufacturing at Carborundum
- Programa de Adiestramiento en Desarrollo y Divulgacion de la Investigacion Social Aplicada (PADDI)
- Programa de Pertificacion en Investigacion Social Aplicada (PPISA)
- PROMEP Multiple Criteria Optimization in Injection Molding: Robust Efficient Solutions and Process Windows
- Proposal for Internationalization of Curriculum, University of New Mexico
- Propuesta para el Mejoramiento de las Telecomuicaciones en la DECEP
- PROTECT - PR Test Site for Environmental Contamination Threats (NIH)
- Protein Structure, Function and Dynamics
- Protein-protein Interactions and the Design of Novel Peptides to aid in Structure Activity Relationship
- Protein: Structure, Function and Dynamics
- Prototype development for a tropical whole-forest warming project. US Forest Service
- Providing Resources of Major Impact in Science Education (PROMISE)
- Proyecto de Investigacion Educativa en Accion como comunidad de aprendizaje entre profesores, maestros cooperadores y estudiantes futuros maestros para investigacion educativa: El efecto de preguntas conceptuales y metacognitivas en la ensenanza en ambientes de aprendizaje centrados en el estudiante para el aprendizaje de las matematicas. Propuesta con fondos semilla de PR-MSP, AlACiMa.
- Proyecto Investigacion y Servicios para Sobrevivientes de Violencia Domestica y de Agresion Sexual en el Area Oeste de Puerto Rico
- Proyecto Investigacion y Servicios para Sobrevivientes de Violencia Domestica y de Agresion Sexual en el Area Oeste de Puerto Rico
- prueba
- Puero Rico Manufacturing Extension Centers (PRiMEX)