Conference Paper RDF
pages:- Mechanisms of UV-A and UV-B induced free radical oxidative damage in human skin fibroblasts (Abstract)
- Mechanisms UV induced free radical oxidative damage in human skin fibroblasts (Abstract)
- MedBook: A Cloud-based Healthcare Billing and Record Management System
- Meiofaunal recolonization experiment with oiled sediments: major meiofauna taxa
- Mejoramiento y produccion de semilla de calabaza en Puerto Rico. In: El Cultivo de Cucurbitaceas: Memorias del foro tecnico
- Mesoscale Effects of the Orinoco River Plume (Abstract)
- Mesoscale Wind and Upwelling along the Southern Cape Coast
- Metodología para la Toma de Decisiones en la Vida Diaria bajo Dos Criterios Cuantificables
- Metodos de inoculacion mecanica de anublo polvoriento (Erysiphe cichoracearum) en calabaza
- Microbe interactions in the attine ant system
- Microflora asociada al sistema digestivo de milpies del area sudoeste de Puerto Rico
- Microflora asociada al sistema digestivo de milpies del area sudoeste de Puerto Rico
- Microwave Research at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
- Minimizing the Worst-Case Playback Delay in VoD Services over Passive Optical Networks
- Modeling egg and early larval dispersal in the nearshore waters of southwestern Puerto Rico (Abstract)
- Modeling Impermeable Membranes as Acoustic Filters for Biomedical Applications
- Modified Fuzzy C-Means Clustering of Multispectral Images
- Moment Transfer in Bearing Supported Bridges [Conference Proceeding]
- Monitoring Coral Reefs in Optically-Deep Waters
- Monitoring UV radiation in the tropics and the effect of UV-B on shallow water marine organisms (Abstract)
- Monolineal Animado y Equivalente del Sistema Electrico Existente en Puerto Rico: Una Herramienta de Ensenanza
- Morphological and molecular characterization of Enterobryus (OPISTHOKONTA: MESOMYCETOZOA) species found in millipedes of Puerto Rico
- Morphological and molecular characterization of soil borne phytopathogenic fungi associated to onions.
- Morphological characterization of Enterobryus (OPISTHOKONTA: MESOMYCETOZOA) species found in millipedes of Puerto Rico
- Morphological differentiation of the Enterobryus species in Uca
- Morphological, pathogenic, and molecular characterization of Phoma spp. isolated from onion (Allium cepa L.) fields
- Multi-criteria Selection of All-start Pitching Staff for Fantasy Baseball Team
- Multi-temporal unmixing analysis of Hyperion images over the Guanica Dry Forest
- Multidecadal Oscillations in the Northern Caribbean Salinity Gradient: Connections Between Surface Temperature, Wind Stress, Salinity and Ekman Transport (Abstract)
- Mycelial fungi associated with the guts of millipedes found in Puerto Rico