Volcanic activity in the Caribbean and the possible effects on Puerto Rico
Volcanic eruption of Mt. Pelee 8 May 1902
Volcanism and some of its main effects
Volcanism in the Caribbean
Volcano Monitoring and group exercise on Kilauea volcano, HI
Volcanoes and Experiments in Volcanology
Volcanoes, Recent eruptions: Iceland and Volcanoes of Guatemala
Voyage to the bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench: Tales from a free fall current meter
Vulnerabilidad de Estructuras a Terremotos y Viento. [Taller sobre desastres naturales, Eventos Atmosfericos y Sismicos en el Caribe: monitoreo, impacto, y alcance social].
Water Pollution
We Count: Identity, the Census Invisibility
Invited Talk
Weather Radar Data Visualization Using the First-Order Interpolation
Web 2.0 como tecnica de ensenanza para mejorar el aprovechamiento de los estudiantes de Ingles, Espanol, Matematicas y Ciencias en el Nivel Secundario.
Web 2.0: Avaluo Electronico (E-Assessment).
Web 2.0: creacion y manipulacion de contenidos didacticos. Taller a maestros de ciencias y matematicas. Academia para Formar Maestros de Alto Rendimiento (AForMAR).
Web-based distance learning technology: Does appearance matter? [Conference Proceeding]
WebCT and the Assignment Drop Box
WebCT Design
Westerly Waves and Summer Wet Spells: Vertical Structure and Interaction
Wet Asteroids: Evidence from Meteorites
Invited Talk
Wet Ice Specific Attenuation Retrieval and Correction for X-band using a Piece-wise Forward Correction Method
What can be learned from language planning and policy in the Caribbean? Examining perceptions of threat in Aruba and Puerto Rico
Invited Talk
What does it take to be successful in Graduate School?
What does it take to be successful in Graduate School?
What is Engineering? Teachers and Students Lecture.
What is Research?
Invited Talk
What is Sustainability? Infusing Sustainability into the Supply Chain Curriculum
What Lies Beneath What Lies Beneath: Ubi Sunt, Memento Mori, and the Death Culture in a Recent Hollywood Thriller
What Mathematical Skills Does Physical Chemistry Require of the Student?
Invited Talk
What role should politics play in English education in Puerto Rico?