publication venue for
- Dunbar's Perfection: The Still Movement of Aureate Poetics in The Thistle and the Rose. 29:69-90. 2009
- False and Sooth Compounded in Caxton's Ending of Chaucer's House of Fame. 26:107-130. 2006
- Revaluing Nature: Environmental Justice Pedagogy, Environmental Justice and the Textual Economies of Nature. 26:93-113. 2006
- Mitos, Nacion y Militarismo: La Literatura Menor y el 1898. 22:31-55. 2002
- The Frakar Makar: Selected Translations of William Dunbar's Poetry. 20. 2000
- Disasters and the Press: A Content Analysis. 1:141-156. 1995
- Bibliography of Psychosocial Research in Puerto Rico. 11:155-192. 1992
- El incierto proyecto del cine nacional puertorriqueno ante el colonialismo y la globalizacion 2007