selected publications
academic article
- Characterization of bacteria with carbohydrase activities from tropical ecosystems . J. Mar. Biol Ass. . 85:269-275. 2005
- Identification of carbohydrate degradingbacteria in subtropical regions. International Journal of TropicalBiology and Conservation. 51:205-210. 2003
- Biodiversidad en el Caribe: Identificacion demicroorganismas degradadores de carbohidratos . Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia. 44:160. 2002
- Bacteria associated with toxic clonal cultures of the dinoflagellate Ostreopsis lenticularis . Marine Biotechnology. 10:492-496. 2008
- Bacterial Diversity associated with the Caribbean tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata . Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 92:155-164. 2007
- Culturable and nonculturable bacterial symbionts in toxic benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis linticularis . Toxicon . 42:419-424. 2003