selected publications
academic article
- Fidelity of 18O as a proxy for sea surface temperature: Influence of variable coral growth rates on the coral Porites lutea from Hainan Island, China . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 6. 2005
- Orbital control of low latitude seasonality during the Eemian . Geophysical Research Letters. 30:10-14. 2003
- Evaluation of accuracy in coral isotope records for environmental proxy: A comparative study of skeletal elements, sampling resolution, and different colonies in the coral Montastrea faveolata from Puerto Rico . Coral Reefs . 21:169-178. 2002
- Pretreatment of coral aragonite for trace elemental analysis: Implications of coral thermometers . Geochemical Journal. 35:265-269. 2001
- Seasonal changes in sea surface temperature and salinity during the Little Ice Age in the Caribbean Sea deduced from Mg/Ca and O 18/O 16 ratios in corals. Marine Geology . 173:21-35. 2001
- Tropical sea surface temperatures: two to three degrees cooler than present during the Little Ice Age. Geophysical Research Letters. 27:3365-3368. 2000
conference paper
- Seasonally resolved stable isotope records from a sclerosponge in the northern Caribbean sea (Abstract). Seventh International Conference on Paleoceanography . 2001