selected publications
academic article
- Effect of gibberellic acid, paclobutrazol, fluridone and abscisic acid affecting flowering and fruit set in coffee. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico. 89:159-168. 2005
- Halomonas avicenniae sp. nov., isolated from the salty leaves of the black mangrove Avicennia germinans in Puerto Rico.. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Micro.. 900-905. 2007
conference poster
- Distribucion paleoecologica (Foraminiferos Bentonicos) a traves del limite Oligoceno-Mioceno en el Suroeste de Puerto Rico: Implicacion global o local?. Encuentro Cientifico Internacional de Invierno (ECI-2004i), Colegio de Ingenieros, Lima, Peru. 2004