publication venue for
- Diversity of Papaya ringspot virus Isolates in Puerto Rico 2016
- Performance of tropical pumpkin lines derived from backcrossing for Zucchini yellow mosaic virus resistance. 46:191-192. 2011
- Inheritance of papaya ringspot virus resistance in temperate and tropical genotypes of pumpkin. 44:1157-1158. 2009
- Inheritance of resistance to zucchini yellow mosaic virus in tropical pumpkin. 44:1180. 2009
- Plant breeding recruitment and education: A Puerto Rico-North Dakota State University collaborative initiative. 44:1180. 2009
- Sampling requirements for assessing melonworm resistance in tropical pumpkin. 43:1238. 2008
- Quality and shelf-life of fresh-cut tropical pumpkin. 42:1019-1020. 2007
- Screening for melonworm resistance in squash and pumpkins. 40:1027-1028. 2006
- Genetic compatibility between two species of tropical pumpkin. 38:735. 2003
- Improving Biometrical Reasoning in Agricultural College Education. 38:694-695. 2003
- Molecular phylogenetic analysis of genes of the carotenoid pathway in Cucurbita. 40:1039. 2003
- Performance of tropical pumpkins with compact growth habit under varying planting distances. 36:521. 2001
- Performance of short-vined pumpkins derived from temperate x tropical crosses. 34:446. 1999
- Resistance in Cucurbita spp. to silverleaf and sweetpotato whitefly. 32:450. 1997
- Response of long- and short-vine tropical pumpkins to varying cultural practices. 30:884. 1995
- Short and long vine pumpkins intercropped with beans and cowpeas. 29:521. 1994
- Fruit age, period of fruit and seed storage, and fermentation affect emergence of pumpkin. 38:556. 1993
- Flowering habit and yield of calabaza genotypes. 27:611. 1992
- Improvement and culture of calabaza [Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne) Poir.]. 27:1172. 1992
- Performance of parents and progenies in Caribbean x temperate crosses of Cucurbita moschata. 36:740. 1991
- Powdery mildew inoculation techniques for a Cucurbita moschata breeding program. 25:1075. 1990
- Variation and covariation of tomato yield, fruit size, and fruit set. 23:815. 1988
- Comparison of open-pollinated and hybrid calabaza. 29:470. 0194