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Siritunga, Dimuth
- Professor, Univ. of Puerto Rico Mayaguez 2012 -
- Associate Professor, Department of Biology , College of Arts and Sciences 2007 - 2012
- Assistant Professor, Univ. of Puerto Rico Mayaguez 2004 - 2007
My interests are in the field of plant/crop genetics and biotechnology. I am interested in using modern tools in molecular biology to genetically engineer desirable traits to orphan crop and have been involved in such projects since my days in graduate school. My lab has conducted work on transgenic crops such as cassava, sweet potato and lima beans on projects funded by the Gates Foundation since 2006. More recently I have also been interested in gauging the genetic diversity of crops in Puerto Rico having so far completed cassava, lima beans, papaya and sweet potato. Currently, we are analyzing the genetic diversity of Solanaceae and Bambusa species in Puerto Rico through a project funded by USDA. As an academic I am very interested in exploring novel ways to educate our future generation of scientists and thus have been involved in many projects focusing on establishing lab-modules in key courses in the biology curriculum that are research oriented. Such projects, funded by HHMI and NSF, have implemented research –oriented laboratory modules that continue to impact 600+ minority undergraduate per year. During my tenure as a PI our lab has had 52 undergraduate students and 12 master’s students, of whom approx. 70% have continue on to a PhD or MD degrees.
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selected publications
academic article
- Cyanogen Metabolism in Cassava roots: Impact on Protein Synthesis and Root Development. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 2017
- Provitamin A Biofortification of Cassava Enhances Shelf-Life but Reduces Dry Matter Content of Storage Roots Due to Altered Carbon Partitioning into Starch. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2017
- Diversity of Papaya ringspot virus Isolates in Puerto Rico. HortScience . 2016
- Overexpression of the transporters AtZIP1 and AtMTP1 in cassava changes zinc accumulation and partitioning. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 2016
- Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Sweet Potato in Puerto Rico. PLoS ONE . 2014
- Occurrence and incidence of Papaya ringspot virus in Puerto Rico 2017
- Comparative expression analysis of reference genes in field-grown cassava. Tropical Plant Biology . 2014
- Expression Profiling of Genes Associated with Cyanogenesis in Three Cassava Cultivars Containing Varying Levels of Toxic Cyanogens. American Journal of Plants Sciences . 1533-1545. 2013
- Genetic, Morphological and Cyanogen Content Evaluation of a New Collection of Caribbean Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Landraces. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2013
- Assessment of genetic diversity among Lima bean landraces from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico. Ann. Rep. of the Bean Improv. Coop. . 129-130. 2012
- Enhancing Hispanic Minority Undergraduatesa Botany Laboratory Experiences: Implementation of an Inquiry-Based Plant Tissue Culture Module Exercise. International Education Studies . 5. 2012
- Extending cassava root shelf life via reduction of reactive oxygen species production. Plant Physiology . 1-13. 2012
- Retention during Processing and Bioaccessibility of B-Carotene in High B-Carotene Transgenic Cassava Root. Journal of Agric. Food Chem. 2012
- Culturally Relevant Inquiry-Based Laboratory Module Implementations in Upper-Division Genetics and Cell Biology Teaching Laboratories. CBE- Life Science Education. 10:287-297. 2011
- Culturally relevant research to the masses: Large-scale laboratory module implementations in upper-division genetics and cell biology teaching laboratories. Life Science Education Journal. 287-297. 2011
- Insights into the Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Postharvest Deterioration in Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Roots. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 1:414-431. 2011
- Molecular differentiation and diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta) taken from 162 locations across Puerto Rico and assessed with microsatellite markers. Annals of Botany Plants . 2011
- The BioCassava Plus Program: Biofortification of Cassava for Sub-Saharan Afric. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 251-271. 2011
- The Iron Assimilatory Protein, FEA1, from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Facilitates Iron-Specific Metal Uptake in Yeast and Plants. Frontiers in Plant Biotechnology . 2. 2011
- Comparative evaluation of physiological post-harvest root deterioration of 25 cassava (Manihot esculenta) accessions: visual vs hydroxycoumarins fluorescent accumulation analysis. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 3138-3144. 2010
- Isolation and Characterization of Novel β-Cyanoalanine Synthase and Cysteine Synthase Genes from Cassava. Plant Molecular Biology Reported. 514-524. 2010
- Transgenic Approaches for Cyanogen Reduction in Cassava. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1450-1455. 2007
- Development and application of transgenic technologies in cassava. Plant Molecular Biology. 671-688. 2004
- Engineering cyanogens in cassava. Plant Molecular Biology. 661-669. 2004
- Over-expression of hydroxynitrile lyase in transgenic cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) roots accelerates cyanogenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 37-43. 2004
- Domestication of cassava: Generation of cyanogen-free cassava. Planta. 367-373. 2003
- Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Milling and Baking Quality in a Soft x Hard Wheat Cross. Crop Science . 1275-1285. 2001
- Overcoming the barrier to interspecific hybridization of Fagopyrum esculentum with F. tataricum. Euphytica. 323-330. 1996
- Transgenic Cassava. Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants: Transgenic Sugar, Tuber and Fiber Crops. Ed. Kole, C.. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. 177-198. 2008
- Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz) Transformation. Agrobacterium Protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology. Ed. Wang, Kan. Humana Press. 2006
conference poster
- Assessment of genetic and cyanogenic glucoside diversity among lima bean landraces from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico. American Society of Horticultural Scientists annual meeting, Miami, FL. 2012
- Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Sweet Potato in Puerto Rico. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX. 2012
- Functional characterization of cassava genes involved in cyanide detoxification, B-cyanoalanine synthase and cysteine synthase, in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX. 2012
- Implementing a multi-week inquiry-based laboratory module in plant tissue culture in an undergraduate botany course: Effects of hormones on plant organ development. American Society of Horticultural Scientists annual meeting, Miami, FL. 2012
- Assessment of genetic diversity among lima bean landraces from the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Puerto Rico. 2011 Bean improvement Cooperative Conference, San Juan, PR. 2011
- Implementation of inquiry-based plant tissue culture laboratory modules in minority undergraduate teaching laboratory. Annual meeting of the American Society of Cell Biologists, Denver, CO. 2011
- Comprehensive agro-morphological assessment of the Puerto Rican cassava germplasm 2010
- Development of Golden Cassava with Extended Shelf Life by Engineering of the Plastid Isoprenoid Pathway. 19th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Cairns, Australia. 2010
- Bring Your Own Cassava: Understanding the diversity of cassava in Puerto Rico by providing research-based laboratory experiences to minority undergraduate students. American Society of Plant Biologist annual meeting, Honolulu, HI. 2009
- Comparative Evaluation of Physiological Post-Harvest Root Deterioration of 25 cassava accessions. American Society of Plant Biologist annual meeting, Honolulu, HI. 2009
- Development and Implementation of Collaborative Research-based Education Modules at a Minority-Serving Institute. Understanding Interventions in Biology conference, Washington DC . 2009
- Genetic Analysis of Endemic Puerto Rican Cassava as Conservation Strategy. XXVIII Simposia de la Floral y Fauna del Caribe, UPR-Humacao, Humacao, PR. 2009
- Research to Teach the Masses: Large Scale Implementation of Research Modules in the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory. 49th Annual ASCB San Diego, CA. 2009
- Research to teach the masses: Large scale implementation of research modules in the undergraduate teaching laboratory. American Society of Cell Biology, San Diego, CA. 2009
- Understanding the diversity of cassava in Puerto Rico by large scale implementation of research-based laboratory module at UPRM. Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricolas,San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2009
- Understanding the diversity of cassava in Puerto Rico by large scale implementation of research-based laboratory module at UPRM. SACNAS National Conference, Austin, Texas. 2009
- Characterization of the B-Cyanoalanine Synthase from Cassava. 2008 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Orlando, FL. 2008
- Expression Analysis of Genes Associated with Cyanogenic Glucoside Pathway in Cassava. Global Cassava Partnership First Scientific Meeting, Gent, Belgium . 2008
- Insights to the Diversity of Puerto Rican Cassava Germplasm. Global Cassava Partnership First Scientific Meeting, Gent, Belgium . 2008
- Isolation and Characterization of B-Cyanoalanine Synthase Genes from Cassava. Global Cassava Partnership First Scientific Meeting, Gent, Belgium . 2008
- Isolation and Characterization of B-Cyanoalanine Synthase Genes from Cassava. RIG/CAA program principal investigatorâs meeting, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. 2008
- Transgenic Cassava Field Trials in Puerto Rico. Global Cassava Partnership First Scientific Meeting, Gent, Belgium . 2008
- Cyanide metabolism, protein production, and post harvest physiological deterioration in cassava. Biotechnology, breeding and seed systems for African crops, Maputo, Mozambique. 2007
- Simple sequence repeats (SSR) assessment of genetic diversity of 23 cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars from Puerto Rico. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Chicago, IL . 2007
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FEA1 protein has iron-assimilating functions. Am. Phycol. Soc. Annual Meeting, Juneau, AK. 2006
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii FEA1 protein has iron-assimilating functions. Midwest ASPB meeting, Chicago, IL. 2006
- Cyanide metabolism, protein production and post-harvest physiological deterioration in cassava. Midwest ASPB meeting, Chicago, IL. 2006
- Establishment of in vitro cultures and embryogenesis of cassava varieties from the Corozal Agricultural Experiment Station in Puerto 2006
- Establishment of in vitro cultures and embryogenesis of cassava varieties from the Corozal Agricultural Experiment Station in Puerto. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture, San Juan, PR. 2006
- Metabolic Engineering in Cassava (Manihot esculenta): Cyanide as a Source For Amino Acid Biosynthesis. Third Latin American and Caribbean Biotechnology Congress, Mayaguez, PR. 2006
- Standardization of Primers Specific for Cassava Cyanogenic Glucoside Pathway Genes for Real-Time PCR. Annual Biomedical Research Conference, Anaheim, CA. 2006
- The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Fea1 protein has iron-assimilation functions in Arabidopsis. The Phycological Society of America Meeting, 60th Annual meeting, Alaska, USA. 2006
- Chlamydomonas reinhardti FEA1 Protein has Iron-Assimilating Functions. Midwest ASPB meeting. St. Louis, MS. 2005
- Cyanogenic glycoside transport in cassava: Implications for the generation of a cyanogen-free cassava plant. 6th Cassava Biotechnology Network conference, Cali, Colombia. 2004
- Detection and Quantitation of Cyanogenic Compounds in Foodstuffs by Electrospray Ionization SRM Mass Spectrometry. 52nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Nashville, TN. 2004
- Development of an improved system to transform cassava. 6th Cassava Biotechnology Network conference, Cali, Colombia. 2004
- Production of a safer cassava food product having accelerated cyanogenesis. 6th Cassava Biotechnology Network conference, Cali, Colombia. 2004
- Cyanogenic glucoside participation in nitrogen transport in cassava: Implication for the generation of a cyanogen-free cassava plant. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Honolulu, HI. 2003
- Domestication of cassava: Production of cyanogen-free cassava. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Denver, CO. 2002
- Domestication of cassava: Production of cyanogen-free cassava. 4th Annual Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Symposium, Columbus, OH. 2002
- Domestication of cassava: Production of cyanogen-free cassava. 10th International Association of Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology conference, Orlando, FL. 2002
- Reduction in the cyanogenic potential of cassava roots; Transgenic plants expressing hydroxynitrile lyase in the roots. 5th Cassava Biotechnology Network conference. St. Louis, MO. 2001
- Cloning of the cytochrome P450-Val involved in the synthesis of cyanogenic glycoside, Linamarin, in Cassava. 2nd Annual Plant Biology Symposium, Columbus, OH. 1999
- Strategies for cloning cytochrome P450-Val involved in the synthesis of cyanogenic glycoside linamarin in Cassava. 1st Annual Plant Biology Symposium, Columbus, OH. 1998
- Expression Quantification of Genes Associated with Cyanogenic Glucosides in Cassava. Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Chicago, IL .
- Incorporating research experiences into an undergraduate science curriculum. 50th Annual ASCB Meeting.
- Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Sweetptato Ipomoea Batatas L. Germplasm Collection in Puerto Rico â Preliminary Study, Speaker, PR-LSAMP meeting, Bayamon, PR
- Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Puerto Rican Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam., Speaker, Sociedad Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricola, Ponce, PR
- Association between HMW-glutenin alleles and mixograph and quality traits, Speaker, Annual Soft Wheat Conference, Wooster, OH
- Biotechnology in Africa: the Generation of Transgenic Acyanogenic Cassava, Speaker, Dept. Biology, Indiana University, IN
- Domestication of cassava: Generation of cyanogen-free cassava, Speaker, Minisymposium, Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists,Denver, CO
- Down-regulation of cytochrome P450-valine genes to obtain acyanogenic cassava (Manihot esculenta), Speaker, 5th Cassava Biotechnology Network conference,St. Louis, MO
- Functional Characterization of Novel Cassava Genes Involved in Cyanide Detoxification, B-Cyanoalanine Synthase and Cysteine Synthase, in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, Speaker, Sociedad Puertorriquena de Ciencias Agricola, Ponce, PR
- Identification of HMW-glutenin alleles in the Uniform Eastern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery, Speaker, Annual Wheat Workers Meeting, West LaFeyette, IN
- Importance of Cassava biotechnology, Speaker, Board of Trustees, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Large-scale implementation of culturally relevant research modules in minority undergraduate teaching laboratory: Assessment of cassava diversity in Puerto Rico, Speaker, Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, MN
- Long distance transport of cyanogenic glucosides in cassava: Implications for cyanogen-free foods, Speaker, 5th Annual Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research symposium, Columbus, OH
- Metabolic Engineering of Cyanogenesis in Cassava, Speaker, Third Workshop in Biotechnology Rutgers/University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil
- Metabolic engineering of cyanogenic glucosides in cassava (Manihot esculenta), Speaker, Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology program seminar series,The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Overcoming the challenges of implementing research-based laboratory modules in a large enrollment course, Speaker, CURENet meeting, HHMI Headquarters, Chevy Chase, MD
- Production of transgenic cassava: A safer food for 500 million, Speaker, Biology Seminar series, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH
- Providing Course-based Research Experiences though the Implementation of Lab Modules in a Large Enrollment Undergraduate Course: Assessment of Crop Diversity, Speaker, American Society of Horticultural Scientists annual meeting, Miami, FL
- Secondary embryogenesis, tissue culture and transformation of cassava, Speaker, 1st annual Advance Cassava Transformation Group meeting, Zurich, Switzerland
- Structure/function studies of the H43, iron-binding protein of Chlamydomonas, Speaker, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- Structure/function studies of the H43, iron-binding protein of Chlamydomonas, Speaker, The 11th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Kobe, Japan
- The central role of cyanide in cassava root metabolism, Speaker, North-South Americas molecular biology conference,Columbus,OH
- The molecular biology of cyanogenesis in cassava, Speaker, Dept. Chemistry, University of Miami, Oxford, OH
- The search for an efficient transformation system for cassava, Speaker, 2nd Advance Cassava Transformation Group Meeting,Cali, Colombia
- Transgenic strategies for reducing the cyanogens toxicity of cassava, Speaker, The 6th Conference of the African Crop Science Society, Nairobi, Kenya
principal investigator on
- VIRCA Plus 2016 - 2019
- Expanding Research Opportunities for Hispanic Students through DNA Barcoding of Three Agriculturally Important Plant Families in Puerto Rico’ 2015 - 2018
- Assessment of Cassava Leaves as a Source of Protein 2013 - 2015
- Pathways for new laboratory modules in undergraduate Genetic and Cell Physiology education: Characterization of Puerto Rican cassava 2008 - 2011
- A road to more nutritious cassava: Cloning, functional characterization and over-expression of β-cyanoalanine synthase gene from cassava 2007 - 2010
- Maruca-Resistant Cowpea Project 2009
- Building functional Bio-safety Systems 2008
- Investigating the role of cyanogens in amino acid synthesis of root crop, cassava 2005 - 2006
- Strategies for the reduction of post-harvest deterioration in cassava 2005
co-principal investigator on
- Enhancing Advanced Educational Opportunities in STEM Fields for Minority Students at UPR-M 2012 - 2016
- BioCassava II: Nutrient Dense Cassava Products for Improved African Livelihoods 2010 - 2014
- Development and Safety Assessment of Weevil Resistant Sweet potato Varieties in Africa 2009 - 2014
- Research Oriented Laboratory Enhancements by Module Development for Laboratories (ROLE-MODEL) 2008 - 2012
- Strengthening African Ownership and Product Development Activities 2008 - 2012
- BioCassava Plus Project: Improving Cassava for Nutrition, Health, and Sustainable Development 2005 - 2010
- A Genetic Analyzer for Studies on Biodiversity, Phylogenetics, Population Genetics and Molecular Biology in the Caribbean 2005 - 2008
- Metabolic Engineering of Cyanogen Metabolism in Transgenic Cassava; Generation of Safer more Marketable Cassava Food Products for Subsistence Farmers 2005 - 2007
teaching activities
- Plant Biotechnology Instructing Professor 2006 -
- Plant Physiology Instructing Professor 2005 -
- Genetics Instructing Professor 2004 -
professional service activities
- Institute for International Crop Improvement, Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO Ad-hoc Member 2011 -
- Cornell University Laboratory Research Assistant 1993 - 1994
- The Ohio State University Research Assistant 1992 - 1993
- Cornell University Research Technician - 1992
education and training
- Ph.D. in Plant Molecular Biology, The Ohio State University , Plant Molecular Biology, Genetic modification of the cyanogenic glucoside pathway of cassava 1997 - 2002
- M.S. in Agronomy, The Ohio State University , Department of Agronomy, Identification of HMW-glutenin alleles in soft wheat using PCR-generated DNA markers 1994 - 1996
- B.S. in Biology, Hobart College, Geneva, NY , Identification of genetic polymorphisms between Fagopyrum esculentum and F. tataricum using RAPD markers 1994
- The Ohio State University , Plant Biology 2003 - 2004
awards and honors
- Travel Award, conferred by Annual Meeting of the American Association of Plant Biologists, 2007
- Travel Award, conferred by Annual Meeting of Grand Challenges Program of the Gates Foundation, 2007
- Travel Award, conferred by 11th Chlamydomonas conference, 2004
- Travel Award, conferred by Annual ASPB meeting, 2002
- Travel Award, conferred by 10th IAPTCB conference, 2002
- The Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching , conferred by The Ohio State University, 1995
full name
- Dimuth Siritunga