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Colom-Ustariz, Jose G.
- Affiliation
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selected publications
academic article
- Remote Sensing of Weather Hazards Using a Low-Cost and Minimal Infrastructure Off-the-Grid Weather Radar Network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 51:2541-2555. 2013
- HSense: A High Performance Framework for Distributed Weather Sensor Networks, Ibersensor. Revista Iberoamericana de Sensores. 7. 2012
- Design of Tunable Balanced Amplifier using Ferroelectric Materials. Integrated Ferroelectrics. 56:1097-1106. 2003
- Design and Simulation of a Tunable Multilayer Lange Coupler. Integrated Ferroelectrics. 42:313-321. 2002
- Red de Radares Meteorologicos con Energia Solar. Revista Corriente Verde. 2010
conference paper
- First Observations of an X Band Dual Polarization Weather Radar on the Western Coast of Puerto Rico. IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium. 2011
- Low Cost and Minimal Infrastructure Off the Grid XBand Radar Network Development for the West Coast of Puerto Rico. Radar Conference. 1026-1031. 2011
- Distributed Collaborative Adaptive Sensing (DCAS) for Improved Detection, Understanding, and Prediction of Atmospheric Hazards. Symposium Integrated Obs. Assim. Systems. 2005
- Tunable and Dual Band Rectangular Slot Ring Antenna. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 4308-4311. 2004
- Design and Characterization of a Tunable Aperture Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna with Ferroelectric Films. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. 536-539. 2003
- Implementation and Development of an Attenuation Correction Algorithm for Off-The-Grid X-Band Radar Network, Collaborator, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2013
- First Observations Of The Initial Radar Node In The Puerto Rico Tropinet X-Band Polarimetric Doppler Weather Testbed, Collaborator, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium 2013
- Polarization Effects On A Single Polarized Radar Off-The-Grid X-Band Radar, Collaborator, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium 2013
- Weather Radar Data Visualization Using the First-Order Interpolation, Collaborator, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium 2013
- Development of Low Cost X-Band Radar for Rain Reflectivity Measurements in the Western Region of Puerto Rico, Collaborator, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2011
- Off-the-Grid Radar Design and Implementation for Remote Sensing Education, Collaborator, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2011
- Off-the-Grid Weather Radar Network for Precipitation Monitoring in Western Puerto Rico, Collaborator, International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology 2011
- Development Of An Off-The-Grid X-Band Radar For Weather Applications, Collaborator, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium 2010
- UPRM Weather Radars at the Central American and Caribbean Games at Mayaguez 2010, Collaborator, IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing (GRS) Symposium 2010
- Design and Simulation of a Tunable Ferroelectric Lange Coupler, Collaborator, Ferroelectrics Workshop, San Juan PR 2001
research overview
Research Interests:
-Microwave Remote Sensing
-Microwave Circuit Design and Simulation
-Numerical Techniques for Electromagnetics
principal investigator on
- Development of Mobile Sparse Array for Multistatic Experiments awarded by Universal Technology Corporation Air Force Research Laboratory (UTC-AFRL) 2011 -
- Development of Weather Radar Network for Western Puerto Rico awarded by National Science Foundation - Major Research Instrumentation Program (NSF-MRI) 2007 -
other research activities
teaching overview
Academic Interests:
-Microwave Circuits
-Microwave Radar Systems
-Computational Electromagnetics
teaching activities
- Calibration And Validation Of CASA Radar Rainfall Estimation Collaborator 2010
organizer of event
professional service activities
- Penn State Univeristy TA and RA 1994 - 1998
- Motorola Development Engineer 1993
- Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory RA 1988 - 1991
education and training
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Penn State Univeristy , Microwave Engineering 1998
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts , Microwave Engineering at the Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory 1991
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering 1987
awards and honors
- GTE Corporation Fellowship Award, 1995 - 1996
- Paul Anderson Fellowship, 1994 - 1995
- NASA Graduate Fellowship, conferred by NASA, 1989 - 1991
full name
- Jose G. Colom Ustariz