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Artiles-Leon, Noel
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selected publications
academic article
- On the Distribution of the Usual Estimator of Cpk and Some Applications. Quality Engineering. 21:24-32. 2009
- Improvement of Igniters' Quality Characteristics using Experimental Design. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 33:145-148. 1997
- Optimization of Carborundum's Gas Igniter Furnacing Process Using Experimental Design. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 33:141-144. 1997
- A Pragmatic Approach to Multiple-Response Problems Using Loss Functions. Quality Engineering. 9. 1996
- Statistical Optimal Design of Control Charts with Supplementary Stopping Rules. IIE Transactions. 28. 1996
- Simple Formulas for Statistically Designing Control Charts with Supplementary Stopping Rules. Quality Engineering. 7. 1995
- Optimization of Average-Run-Length Properties of Control Charts Using Recurrent Events. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 25:449-452. 1993
conference paper
- Satisfaction - A starting point to identify needs and areas for improvement. International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE-2006), San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2006
- Beyond Accreditation: Using Institutional Data to Foster College-Level Improvement in Engineering. 6th International Conference on Information-Technology Based Higher Education and Training. 2005
- A Tool for Functional Data Analysis and Experimentation. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Quality Congress, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2004
- Dynamic Simulation of Water Distribution System with Probabilistic Demands. Sixth Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress, Mayaguez, PR. 2001
- Constructing Confidence Regions for Multiple-Response Problems Using Bootstrapping. Conference Proceedings of the Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing World Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2000
- Factors for Range Control Charts when the Underlying Distribution is Weibull. Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS'99) Cocoa Beach, Florida. 1999
- Confidence Intervals for Cpk when the Underlying Distribution is Weibull. Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS'98) Cocoa Beach, Florida. 1998
- Assessment of Igniters' Electrical Characteristics through Experimental Design. 1996 R.I.T.'s Annual Quality Engineering by Design Symposium. 1996
- Analysis of Queueing Systems with Unknown Parameters. Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS'95) Cocoa Beach, Florida. 1995
- Improving Fabric Finishing Through Experimental Design. 49th Annual Quality Congress. 1995
- A Simulation Game For Teaching DOE to Engineers. American Statistical Association 1994 Winter Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. 1994
- Average Run Length Properties for Joint X bar and R Charts. Annual International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (IEMS'94) Cocoa Beach, Florida. 1994
- Computer Simulations for Teaching Experimental Design. VII Congress of Computer Sciences and its Applications, Ponce PR. 1994
- Development of a Computer Game for Teaching Statistics to Engineering Students. XIV Congreso Panamericano de Ingenieria Mecanica, Electrica y Ramas Afines. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1993
- Reducing Label Nonconformances by DOE and Logistic Regression. 47th Annual Quality Congress, Boston, MA. 1993
- Analysis of Industrial Experiments with a Binary Response. Second Caribbean Quality Congress, San Juan PR. 1992
- Assessment by Simulation of Simple Sequencing Rules in a Surface Mount Assembly Line. Part Two. National Science Foundation Design and Manufacturing Systems Grantees Conference, Atlanta, GA. 1992
- Assessment by Simulation of Simple Sequencing Rules in a Surface Mount Assembly Line. Part One. National Science Foundation Design and Manufacturing Systems Grantees Conference, Austin, TX. 1991
working paper
- Developing a Serious Computer Game for Industrial Engineering: Providing Context to Learning, Collaborator, IIE IERC, Industrial Engineering Annual Conference, Miami, US 2009
- On the Distribution of the Usual Estimator of Cpk and Some Applications, Speaker, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007
- Reliability Optimization of Networks with Low-Reliability Arcs by Adding Redundancies, Speaker, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007
- Review of Probability, Statistics, and Quality Control for the IE Professional Examination, Speaker, Industrial Engineering Department, UPRM 1998
- An Introduction to Industrial Experimentation, Speaker, First Engineering-Technology Exchange 1997
- Diseno de Experimentos en la Industria, Speaker, 4to Simposio de Ingenieria Industrial, RD 1997
- Mejoramiento de Procesos usando Control EstadÃstico de Calidad y Diseño de Experimentos, Speaker, Six-day intensive course offered to engineers and management, Universidad de los Andes 1997
- Training in Statistics Aided Manufacturing, Speaker, Six-day intensive course offered to engineers and management, Universidad de los Andes 1997
- Workshop on Experimental Design Applied to Manufacturing, Speaker, 21st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, San Juan PR, 1997
- Review of Probability, Statistics, Experimental Design, and Quality Control for the IE Professional Examination, Speaker, Industrial Engineering Department 1996
- Review of Probability, Statistics, Experimental Design, and Quality Control for the IE Professional Examination, Speaker, C.I.A.P.R. Mayaguez 1996
- Iniciativa Sistematica para la Excelencia Educativa en Ciencias y Matematicas, Speaker, Centro de Recursos para Ciencias e Ingenieria 1994
- Using Simulations for Teaching Experimental Design to Engineering Students, Speaker, 1er Simposio sobre Multimedios Interactivos: Aplicaciones Educativas 1994
- Quality and Productivity, Speaker, Perkin-Elmer Caribbean Corporation 1993
- ARL Curves for Joint x and S Charts with Supplementary Stopping Rules, Speaker, TIMS/ORSA Conference 1992
- Quality Function Deployment in a Medical Services Environment, Speaker, TIMS/ORSA Conference 1992
- The Cost of Nonconformance, Speaker, Bristol-Myers Mayaguez 1992
- Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Speaker, IIE Western Puerto Rico Chapter 236 1991
- Process Quality Improvement Through Design of Experiments at an Electronic Manufacturing Firm, Speaker, TIMS/ORSA Conference 1991
- Quality Costs and Reliability, Speaker, StorageTek engineers 1991
- Reliability and Maintainability, Speaker, AVON and ASQC 1990
- Statistical Experimental Design for Engineers, Speaker, IIE Western Puerto Rico Chapter 236 1990
- Statistical Optimal Design of Control Charts with Supplementary Stopping Rules, Speaker, TIMS/ORSA Conference 1990
co-principal investigator on
other research activities
- Engineering Excellence Awards for Low-income Minority Students Collaborator 2000 - 2004
- Development of a Test Technology Coverage Analysis Model Collaborator 1999 - 2000
- Simulation of New Production Lines for Products 6932, 6942, 6943, and 6945 Collaborator 1998 - 1999
- Development of Multimedia Materials for Teaching Probability and Statistics to Engineering Students Collaborator 1996 - 1997
- Process and Yield Improvement at Carborundum through SPC, DOE, and Education Collaborator 1995 - 1997
- Development of Practice-Based Materials for a Quality Control Course Collaborator - 1995
- Process Assessment and Improvement and Training in Statistics Aided Manufacturing at Carborundum Collaborator - 1994
- Development of a Simulation Game for Teaching Statistics to Engineering and Science Students Collaborator - 1993
- Development of an Effective Training Program in Design of Experiments Applied to Manufacturing Collaborator 1991
- Assessment by Simulation of Sequencing Rules in a Surface Mount Assembly Line Collaborator 1990 - 1991
- The Systematic Analysis of a Process Development Project: The Case of Equipment Calibration for Surface Mount Collaborator 1989 - 1990
reviewer of
- "Computers & Industrial Engineering", An international Journal (Academic Article)
- "Technometrics", Journal of Statistics for the Physical, Chemical, and Engineering Sciences (Academic Article)
- Editorial Board of "Quality Engineering and Technology" (Editorial Article)
- Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management (IJOQM) (Editorial Article)
- International Journal of Modeling and Simulation (Journal)
- Journal of Industrial Engineering Design (Journal)
- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems (Proceedings)
professional service activities
- Academic Senate Senator 2012 -
- Member of Steering Committee for the Middle States Commissio Higher Education Accreditation Visit Leader of Task Force 2 for Standards Leadership and Governance and Administration 2012 -
- Institutional Research and Planning Office Director 2010 - 2013
- Academic Senate Senator 2002 - 2009
- Academic Senate Administrative Board and Faculty, UPRM Elected Faculty Representative 2002 - 2009
- Member of Steering Committee for the Middle States Commissio Higher Education Accreditation Visit Leader of Task Force 1 for Standards Mission, Goals and Objectives and Planning, Resource Allocation ad Institutional Renewal 2003 - 2005
- Department of Industrial Engineering ABET Coordinator 1999 - 2001
- Medtronics Trainer and consultant in Manufacturing Simulation 1989 - 1999
- Hanes Menswear Inc. Trainer and consultant in Statistics Aided Manufacturing 1997 - 1998
- Allergan Medical Optics Trainer and consultant in Applied Industrial Statistics 1997
- University of Los Andes, Colombia Visiting Professor 1997
- Accreditation Board for the B.S. in Engineering Program at the Caribbean University President 1996 - 1997
- Carborundum Inc. Mayaguez Consultant in Applied Industrial Statistics 1994 - 1997
- Department of Industrial Engineering Acting Director 1993 - 1995
- Accreditation Board for the Master in Management Engineering Program at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Member 1992 - 1993
- Department of Industrial Engineering Associate Director 1992 - 1993
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Panelist responsalbe for formally reviewing unsolicited proposals submitted 1992
- Iowa State University Teaching and Research Assistant 1984 - 1988
education and training
- Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Iowa State University 1989
- M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Iowa State University 1985
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, National University of Nicaragua 1979
awards and honors
- Plaque of Recognition for the unconditional commitment in successfully coordinating the efforts of Task Force I of the UPRM-MSCHE Steering Team for the institutional re-accreditation of UPRM by the MSCHE, 2006
- Plaque of Appreciation for collaborating and participating in the First Engineering- Technology Exchange sponsored by Abbott Health Products, Inc., 1997
- Certificate of Recognition for valuable participation as a judge in the evaluation of scientific research works, 1996
- Robust Award, 1996
- Certificate of Appreciation for participation in ASQC's 49th Annual Quality Congress, 1995
- Productivity Bonus (1994-1995), 1995
- Certificate of Merit and Recognition for cooperation and support of the "Teacher Enhancement Program in Statistics", 1994
- Certificate of Appreciation for participation in ASQC's 47th Annual Quality Congress, 1993
- Certificate of Appreciation for support and participation in "National Quality Month 1992", 1992
- Certificate of Recognition for prominent participation as a professor in continuous education, 1992
- Bancroft Statistics Award, 1989
- Teaching Excellence Award, 1988
- Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 1986
full name
- Noel Artiles-Leon