includes event
- A Circulation Mechanism for Summer Rainfall Variability
- A Review of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Research and South African Climate Variability
- Case Study of Marine Cyclogenesis near Cape Town
- Climatology of the Winter Boundary Layer over the Eastern Transvaal
- Coastal Rainfall and the Agulhas Current
- Coastal Wind at Koeberg; Topographic and Thermal Circulations - Application to Mesoscale Forecasting
- Differences between Wet and Dry Troughs over Southern Africa during Early Summer
- Dynamics of Tropical Cyclones over the Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Easterly Waves in the Southwestern Indian Ocean and Their Impact on Summer Rain Events
- Marine Boundary Layer Modification over the Agulhas Current
- Observations of Trade Winds and Seabreezes over the Southwestern Cape Coast
- Oscillations in the Benguela Upwelling Current Forced by Coastal Low Pressure Cells
- Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting and the 1992 Drought
- The 1992/93 Rainfall Season over Southern Africa and the QBO
- The Climate of Madagascar and Relationships to Southern Africa
- The Climatology of Wildfire Risk and Occurrence in the Natal Drakensberg
- The Winter Nocturnal Wind Jet over the Eastern Transvaal, a Case Study Sequence
- Vegetation Changes in Response to Climatic Events and Seasonal Rainfall