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Mendez-Roman, Rafael
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering . , College of Engineering
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selected publications
academic article
- In-line monitoring of low drug concentration of flowing powders in a new sampler device. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 583. 2020
- Assessment of blend uniformity in a continuous tablet manufacturing process. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 560:322-333. 2019
- Feed frame: The last processing step before the tablet compaction in pharmaceutical manufacturing. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 572. 2019
- Variographic analysis: A new methodology for quality assurance of pharmaceutical blending processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 124:109-123. 2019
- Near infrared spectroscopic calibration models for real time monitoring of powder density. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 512:61-74. 2016
- Effect of Feed Frame Design and Operating Parameters on Powder Attrition, Particle Breakage, And Powder Properties. Powder Technology. 229:253-260. 2012
- Motivating K-12 Students to Study Pharmaceutical Engineering Using Guided Hands-On Visits. Education for Chemical Engineers. 7:e219-e229. 2012
- Powder Hydrophobicity and Flow Properties: Effect of Feed Frame Design and Operating Parameters. AIChE Journal. 58:697-706. 2012
- Density Behavior of Cohesive Granular Materials. Powder Technology. 211:189-198. 2011
- Evaluation of Strain Induced Hydrophobicity of Pharmaceutical Blends and its Effect on Drug Release Rate under Multiple Compression Conditions. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. 37:428-435. 2011
- Mixing Order of Silica and Magnesium Stearate - Influence on Powder and Tablet Properties. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 409:269-277. 2011
- Powder Hydrophobicity and Flow Properties: Effect of Feed Frame Design and Operating Parameters. AIChE Journal. 2011
- Study of the Effects of Feed Frames on Powder Blend Properties During the Filling of Tablet Press Dies. Powder Technology. 200:105-116. 2010
- Relationship between the formation of surface species and catalyst deactivation during the gas-phase photocatalytic oxidation of toluene. Catalysis Today. 40:353-365. 1998
invited talk
- Advances in NIR Spectroscopy in Continuous Mixing of a Pharmaceutical Formulation, Collaborator, Three Day Virtual Meeting Ensuring Pharmaceutical Product & Process Quality with Spectrometric Methods 2012
- Use of Statistical Distance for In-line Spectral Outlier Detection, Collaborator, Lilly Academy Technical Forum, Poster Presentation, Rio Piedras, PR 2012
- Development of a Real Time NIR Method for Drug Concentration in an Industrial Continuous Powder Mixing Process, Collaborator, International Foundation for Process Analytical Chemistry (IFPAC) 2011
- Metal Oxide Supported Ruthenium Catalysts for the Conversion of Cellulose into Polyols [Poster], Speaker, 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting 2011
- Density Behavior of Cohesive Granular Materials, Collaborator, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting 2010
- Effect of Feed Frame Design and Operating Parameters on Powder Residence Time Distribution (RTD), Collaborator, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting 2010
- Low Shear Continuous Tumble Mixer Characterization, Collaborator, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting 2010
- Monitoring of Powder Density by Diffuse Reflectance Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Collaborator, 45th ACS Junior Technical Meeting 2010
- Real Time Near Infrared Validation for Continuous Mixing, Collaborator, 34th ACS Senior Technical Meeting 2010
- Determination of Tablet Relaxation Through Real Time NIR Spectroscopy of Moving Tablets, Collaborator, 31st ACS Senior Technical Meeting 2007
- Improved Binary Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Gas Phase Detoxification, Collaborator, 2004 AIChE National Meeting 2004
- Improved Photocatalysts for the Detoxification of Air [Poster], Collaborator, 2001 Sigma Xi Poster Day 2001
- Photocatalytic Detoxification of Air Contaminated with Toluene: Adsorption Microcalorimetry, FTIR Spectroscopy, and Kinetic Studies [Poster], Collaborator, 2nd Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Effects in Catalysis 2000
- Photocatalytic Detoxification of Air Contaminated with Toluene: Adsorption Microcalorimetry and Kinetic Studies, Collaborator, 16th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society 1999
other research activities
professional service activities
education and training
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering 2005
- M.S. in Chemical Engineering 1997
- B.S. in Chemical Engineering 1994
- Rutgers University, NJ , Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 2008 - 2009
- 2007
awards and honors
- South Eastern Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Fellowship, conferred by National Science Foundation (NSF), 2004 - 2005
full name
- Rafael Mendez Roman