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Latorre-Esteves, Magda
- Investigador Auxiliar, Department of Chemical Engineering . , College of Engineering
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selected publications
academic article
- Effect of Surface Charge on the Colloidal Stability and In Vitro Uptake of Carboxymethyl Dextran Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles.. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 15. 2013
- Effect of Surface Charge on the Colloidal Stability and In Vitro Uptake of Carboxymethyl Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles . Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 15:1874-1888. 2013
- Synthesis, Stability, Cellular Upatake, and Blood Circulation Time of Carboxymethyl Inulin Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 1:2807-2817. 2013
- Enhanced Reduction in Cell Viability by Hyperthermia Induced by Magnetic Nanoparticles.. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 6:373-380. 2011
- Preparation of EGF conjugated magnetic nanoparticles and their internalization into EGFR overexpressing cancer cells . Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 322:2244-2250. 2010
- Preparation of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Conjugated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and their Internalization Into Colon Cancer Cells. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 322:2244-2250. 2010
- The Effect of Grafting Method on the Colloidal Stability and In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Caboxymethyl Dextran Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 20:8539-8547. 2010
- Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Medicine: Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal. 28:227-238. 2009
- Synthesis and Characterization of Carboxymethyl Dextran-Coated Mn/Zn Ferrite for Biomedical Applications. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 321:3061-3066. 2009
- Reconstructing the population history of Puerto Rico by means of mtDNA phylogeographic analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 131-155. 2005
conference poster
- Effect of Beta lactoglobulin in oxidatively stress-challenged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. 53rd ACS Junior Technical Meeting (JTM) and 38th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). 2019
- Gravitational Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Microbicidal Activity. 53rd ACS Junior Technical Meeting (JTM) and 38th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). 2019
- Gravitational Effect on Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Microbicidal Activity. 53rd ACS Junior Technical Meeting (JTM) and 38th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). 2019
- Microgravity Effect on the the Cellular Toxicity of Colloidal Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles. Research Experience for Undergraduates in Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Soft Matters Poster Day. 2018
- In Vivo Toxicity Testbed for Novel Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications _Poster. 52nd ACS Junior Technical Meeting (JTM) and 37th Puerto Rico Interdisciplinary Scientific Meeting (PRISM). 2018
professional service activities
- Academia de Investigacion Para la Facultad y Postdoctorales Mentee
- Caribbean Computing Center for Excellence Pre-College Research Program- Saturday Research Program Mentor
- University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Judge for 2012 NEA Science Day Poster Session - 2012
education and training
- Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School 2006
- B.S. in Biology 2001
awards and honors
- NIH Grant Writers' Initiative (GWI) Award, conferred by National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2013
full name
- Magda M.m. Latorre Esteves