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Whitmire, Stefanie L.
- Associate Professor, Agronomy and Soil Sciences Department , College of Agricultural Sciences
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selected publications
academic article
- The role of Alee effects in gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.)) invasions. Population Ecology. 51:373-384. 2009
- Anaerobic microbial metabolism in southwest Michigan wetlands . Wetlands. 28:703-714. 2008
- Invasion speed is affected by geographic variation in the strength of Allee effects . Ecology Letters. 10:36-43. 2007
- Spatial patterns of gypsy moth persistence. Oecologia. 147:230-237. 2006
- Rapid Removal of nitrate and sulfate in wetland sediments . Journal of Environmental Quality . 34:2062-2071. 2005
- The spred of gypsy moth and its association with defoliation. Journal of Environmental Entomology. 34:1448-1455. 2005
conference poster
- Decomposition and nutrient release of Lablab (Lablab purpureus cv. Rongai) and Mucuna puriens leaves during the dry and wet seasons in Puerto Rico . American Society of Agronomy . 2012
- Determining the enviromental variablities which influence phytoplankton community structure in two reservoirs. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. 2012
- Celebrating a diverse landscape. Women Evolving Biological Sciences Symposia. 2011
- Consequences of invasive grass control method on vegetation and nutrient dynamics within abandoned agricultural land in the Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico. Southern Weed Science Society. 2011
- Ecosystem consequences of non-native grass species removal in Puerto Rico . Ecological Society of America, Austin, TX. 2011
- Ecosystem effects of removing non-native trees early succesional subtropical dry forrests. Ecological Society of America, Austin, TX. 2011
- Impact of Invasive N-fixing trees on soil dynamics. Agroforestry Symposium. 2011
- Phosphorous dynamics and associated tropic status of two reservoirs of Puerto Rico . American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San Juan, PR. 2011
- The nutrient sources impacting the phytoplankton community in two Puerto Rican reservoirs. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, San Juan, PR. 2011
- The phytoplankton community structure in two Puerto Rican reservoirs of contrasting nutrient status. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences meeting, San Juan, PR. 2011
- Ecological Characteristics of the Rio Cupeyes. Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.. 2010
- Litterfall and decomposition in forested riparian areas . SOPCA, Hato Rey, PR. 2009
- Spatial patterns in growth rates of invading gypsy moth populations . North America Forrest Insect Work Conference. 2006
- The role of spatially-explicit Allee effects in invading Gypsy moth populations. North America Forrest Insect Work Conference. 2006
- Persistence of invading gypsy moth populations in the United States . Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2005
- The spread of gypsy moth and its association with defoliation events. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. 2004
- Biogeochemical functions of wetlands across a hydrogeochemical gradient. International Wetland Meeting, Quebec, Canada. 2000
- Hydrology of Pantanal floodplains: Hydrochemical and stable isotope evidence. Michigan State University. 1998
- Temperature and Time Dependent synthesis of Heat Shock Proteins in C. rheinharti. National Conference for Undergraduate Research. 1995
- The spatial patterns of gypsy moth persistence . Annual Gypsy Moth Review. 2004
invited talk
- Ecosystem consequences of invasive species, Speaker, Auburn University 2012
- The Impact on an invasive freshwater bivalve and enviromental variables on the phytoplankton community of two tropical reservoirs, Speaker, Association of the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Salt Lake City, Utah 2012
- Efecto en la composicion de las plantas utilizando dos medios mecanicos de remocion en la Laguna Cartagena, Moderator, Undergraduate Research Symposium. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez 2011
- Invasion speed is affected by geographic variation in the strength of Allee effects, Speaker, Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN 2006
- Do floofplain type and parent material age affect phosphorus retention and transformation in southeastern floodplain forests?, Speaker, Society of Wetland Scientist Meeting, Seattle, WA 2004
- Nitrogen-sulfur coupling and denitrification in freshwater sediment, Speaker, North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, BC 2004
- Nutrient transformations in forested floodplains during over bank flooding: Do they exist? , Speaker, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR 2004
- Phosphorus aluminum and iron fractions from 12 forested floodplains in the southeastern U.S. , Speaker, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR 2004
- The spatial pattern of gypsy moth persistance in the U.S., Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 2004
- Anaerobic microbial decomposition in wetlands with different water sources, Speaker, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah 2003
- Do groundwater inputs matter for wetland biogeochemical funcitions?, Speaker, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Madison, WI 2001
- Allee effects and gypsy moth invasions, Speaker, USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD 2007
- Allee effects and the space-time signature of gypsy moth invasion, Speaker, Symposium "Species Movement in Forests", Southern Forest Insect Work Conference, Austin, TX 2005
- Biogeochemical functions of wetlamds in southwest Michigan, Speaker, Biology Seminar, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez 2005
- Persistence of invading gypsy moth populations, Speaker, Symposium "Quantitative Approaches to Understanding Biological Invasions" USDA Interagency Research Forum on Gypsy Moth and other Invasive Species, Annapolis, MD 2005
other research activities
- From the Classroom to the Field: Experimental Learning of Crop Production Co-PI 2012 -
- Ecological significance of a aquatic invasive species (C. fluminea) on cyanobacteria and their associated toxins in tropical reservoirs Co-PI 2009 -
- Establishing a Fruit-Fly Free Zone in SW Puerto Rico I: Feasibility Assessment Co-PI 2009 -
- Managing Invasive Arthropod Species in Puerto Rico Co-PI 2009 -
- The Consequences of Eradication of Invasive Species Co-PI 2009 -
- The spread of gypsy moth and its association with human population density Co-PI 2005 -
- Anaerobic microbial metabolism and the biogeochemical functioning of wetlands PI 2000 - 2001
professional service activities
- Agroenvironmental Sciences Department Associate Professor 2012 -
- Agroenvironmental Sciences Department Assistant Professor 2007 - 2012
- Agroenvironmental Sciences Department Adjunct Professor 2005 - 2006
- Department of Biology Microbiology Instructor - 2005
education and training
- Ph.D. in Zoology and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior, Dissertation: Anaerobic microbial decomposition and biogeochemical function of southwest Michigan wetlands 2003
- B.S. in Biology & Mathematics minor, University of Richmond 1991 - 1995
full name
- Stefanie L. Whitmire